the origin of jean shorts

This is Lily. Lily, more often than not, is a doofus, and proud of it.

Homemade Jean Shorts is Lily’s brain baby! Recently, Lily went on a lil Euro trip where she spent a lot of time alone in cafes. While she was there, all she could think about was how much she missed being involved in theatre, and how much it blows that this industry so often is a waiting game. So, she decided to say fuck it, I’m gonna do this myself. “Horse Girls” had been on Lily’s brain for sometime, so right then and there she made a casting call on Playbill, and off the project went.

Homemade Jean Shorts is a theatre “something or other.” What is that, you might ask? I am so glad you asked. Basically it means that this company is going to be a playground for artists who really want to get shit done. Singers, songwriters, regular writers, actors, comedians, puppeteers, all the things. Come on over and let’s find a way to get your idea on its feet.

“Where did the name Homemade Jean Shorts come from?” Another excellent question voice in my own head. I would love to answer that. It comes from me hating how pretentious many company names are. Why does everything have to be so serious all the time? Why must everything feel so intense and weighted? I, personally, am often deterred from companies and experience that have names that are too intellectual or feel like they are trying too hard, so I decided to go in the exact opposite direction. The other name I was thinking of was “Can you pass the gravy?” But in the end I realized I was just hungry.